Enhanced Community Impact Model

Enhanced Community Impact Model


Social Change Initiatives

  1. Early Childhood Education
  2. Parental Engagement
  3. Youth Drug & Alcohol Prevention

Our Goals

  1. Preparing all children socially, emotionally, and academically for kindergarten,
  2. Increasing parental knowledge of child development and care, and,
  3. Prevent substance abuse among our youth.

The United Way of the Southern Alleghenies funds 34 diverse Partner Agencies that come together to solve these complex social problems and provide needed services in Blair, Cambria, and Somerset Counties. Specific evidence-based programming introduced and/or expanded in Cambria and Somerset Counties to address the Social Change Initiatives are; The Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Botvin LifeSkills Training. 

Working together, we can move toward achieving a shared community vision, with evidence-based measurable outcomes, that are sustainable. Additionally, we will always fund basic human needs.