Family Resource Center
Sponsoring the Family Resource Center of Blair County is one of the ways that United Way is making a positive impact on early childhood education.
The Family Resource Center is one of 42 state-funded Family Centers in Pennsylvania. Family Centers increase parent involvement and knowledge, a child's success in school, school readiness, and the health and welfare of families. Family Centers help to prevent child abuse and neglect and saves the Commonwealth money in terms of reduced crime, increased labor market benefits, and healthcare savings.
The Family Resource Center offers many cost-free programs including:
- Parents as Teachers, an evidence-based home visiting program for families with children prenatal to Kindergarten entry. The Family Resource Center is a Blue Ribbon Affiliate of the international Parents as Teachers making it one of the top performing early education and home visiting affiliates within the Parents as Teachers network.
- Make Parenting A Pleasure, evidence-informed parenting classes for any parent in Blair County wishing to learn more about parenting.
- Families in Recovery, pilot parenting class program that works with families experiencing addiction and recovery.
- Community Outreach Programs, including Stuff the Bus, Toasty Toddler, and Week of the Young Child Celebration.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Family Resource Center has a variety of volunteer opportunities that allow you to share your time and talents for the benefit of families in our community:
- Parents as Teachers—assist with the planning and implementation of group activities
- Parent Education Classes—help us provide expertise and classes that interest parents
- Stuff the Bus—donation, collection and distribution of school supplies
- Toasty Toddler—donation, collection and distribution of winter supplies
- Week of the Young Child Celebration—join the planning committee or set up an activity at the celebration
For more information about the Family Resource Center, contact Denise Adams, Family Resource Director at 814-317-5567, Ext. 405.