Our Impact

Community Impact

Through our Enhanced Community Impact Model, we leverage the local leadership from our staff, board, committees and 34 Partner Agencies to evaluate, measure and report on the work we fund. Our annual campaign generates nearly $1 million that we distributed as grants to our partners. Each year, our Community Impact Panel Volunteers evaluate grant proposals from our Partner Agencies to thoughtfully invest in programs that create meaningful change and demonstrate results. 

Specific evidence-based programming introduced and/or expanded in Blair, Cambria, and Somerset Counties to address the Social Change Initiatives are; The Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Botvin LifeSkills Training.  

We also have a direct programming, including the Diaper Bank, SNAP at the Market, Toasty Toddler, and Glass Slipper Project, which are growing and helping more families each year. 


Community Impact Model Graphic