UWSA joins National Diaper Bank Network


United Way of the Southern Alleghenies


The United Way of the Southern Alleghenies is excited to report that the organization is now a member of the National Diaper Bank Network.

The membership provides the United Way's diaper effort with added visibility, better diaper buying power, and other benefits that will help the organization to continue to sustain and grow this vital service.

United Way's diaper bank started in 2022 after the organization's leaders highlighted diaper need as a pressing concern. Since then, United Way staff members have worked with community partners to form a network of distribution locations across Cambria and Somerset counties. More than 9,000 diapers and a supply of wipes are provided to families each month. Work to provide diapers in Blair County is now underway. United Way serves Blair, Cambria, and Somerset counties.

“Providing a direct service to the community demonstrates our commitment to adapting to needs as they evolve across our region,” UWSA President & CEO Karen Struble Myers said. “It’s more than a diaper. It’s educational and economic opportunity for families, and child and maternal health as mothers who cannot meet their infant’s basic needs experience high rates of depression.”

The National Diaper Bank Network reported that there are nearly 400,000 kids under age 3 statewide. About 1-in-2 households struggle to afford enough diapers each month. The monthly supplemental supply of diapers provided to families at United Way diaper banks help to fill the void.

And the service goes beyond basic hygiene. Most childcare facilities require that parents supply diapers with their children. About a quarter of parents with diaper need surveyed nationwide reported having missed on average five days of work or school during a month because they didn't have enough diapers for childcare.

"An average monthly supply of diapers costs $80 to more than $100. The only federal assistance program that can be used for diapers is TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), but TANF has to cover many other expenses, including heat, electric and water bills, rent, clothing, transportation, and other basic needs. Little if any money is available to purchase enough diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy," according to the National Diaper Bank Network.

United Way is committed to addressing this need locally with community support. Diaper drives, donations, and volunteers are crucial to keeping the diaper bank sustainable. If you, your organization, or business would like to make a contribution to the diaper bank, hold a diaper drive, or volunteer to repackage diapers, email United Way Administrative Coordinator Amand Ward at award@unitedwaysa.org.

About the National Diaper Bank Network

NDBN began operation in 2011, following a series of meetings between the founders of what is today The Diaper Bank of Connecticut (North Haven), WestSide Baby (Seattle), Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona (Tucson), and St. Paul Diaper Bank Partnership (McHenry, Illinois), and members of the Huggies Leadership Team. Together, they formed the National Diaper Bank Network. The initial mission was to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of diaper need, to help new and existing diaper banks grow to meet the needs of local communities, and to secure resources that help get diapers to babies in need. As the founding sponsor of the National Diaper Bank Network, Huggies continues its support to help end diaper need through its No Baby Unhugged campaign. Each year, Huggies donates more than 20 million diapers to the network and its member diaper bank programs. To date, Huggies has donated more than 300 million diapers and wipes to support families throughout the country who struggle with diaper need. The diaper bank movement of today includes more than 240 member diaper bank programs assisting families in 50 U.S. states, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

 About United Way of the Southern Alleghenies

The United Way of the Southern Alleghenies is an independent, volunteer-driven, community leading organization responsible for creating, expanding, and accelerating positive social change in Blair, Cambria, and Somerset Counties. Most recently, we have been working to build a framework around shared community goals, collaborative actions, evidence-based outcomes, and investment and sustainability. We evaluate, measure, and report to the community the positive change that occurs around targeted social change initiatives. In 2023, UWSA merged with United Way of Blair County, expanding the organization's service area and impact.